Bhaktapur, page 1 of 3
Bhaktapur is one of the three major cities in the
Kathmandu valley. We want to visit all three of them and because we already reserved (from Holland) a
hotel in Kathmandu for the end of our journey we start in Bhaktapur. We arrive in
Bhaktapur in the end of the afternoon. We find a not so big room in the hotel of our first
choice; we have a bathroom where it is again possible to combine the toilet and the shower...
But the hotel is in the center of Bhaktapur and has a nice roof terrace, that's why it is
our first choice. The terrace exists in fact of three levels. While Jacques is drinking
his beer on the first level I almost run to the highest level, from where I have a
beautiful view on Taumadhi Tole, the square next to Durbar Tole in the
center of Bhaktapur. The square is completely filled with temples, almost
incredible when you see it for the first time. Down below a lot of tourists mix with local
students, who want to sell some paintings or get a free donation. It is interesting to
speak a bit with them and it is possible to get rid of them again also, although not too
The light is perfect in the late afternoon and I
take a lot of pictures, both overviews from the roof terrace and details from close by of
the temples. Especially the high Nyatapola temple with its big statues and the Bhairabnath temple with the clocks on top
are very beautiful in this golden light. In Bhaktapur no cars are allowed and also, how
relaxing, I saw not one bike-riksja! And no riksjas means no riksja drivers who ask
you all the time if you would like a ride! Bhaktapur is a very quiet, timeless city. It
has exquisite
temples, a lot of friendly people, no noise (compared to Kathmandu,
everything is relative!) and a kind of mediaeval atmosphere. Towards the evening almost
all tourists return to Kathmandu and Bhaktapur suddenly falls asleep. In fact at ten in
the evening the streets are deserted, so dont expect too much of a nightlife!
We walk towards Tachupal Tole to eat
something. It is more easy to find this square than I judged from the map (unparalleled,
it is always the other way around!), a nice walk through a small main street with a lot of
turns, again and again opening towards squares, water reservoirs (Pokhari) in the middle,
a lot of temples around. We eat on a roof terrace, from where we can watch the early
evening life on the square. A lot of children
are playing in front of a big temple in
the center of the square. Boys are playing hide and seek in between big pillars and huge
statues of elephants and kings; girls are skipping with a rope on the flat marble stones
around the temple. The light is fading, the children are leaving and everybody is
returning home from his work. Now and then the silence is brutally disturbed by a kind of
tractor with a very long steer and a big driving belt connecting the motor with the front
wheel. It reminds me a bit of a Mad Max movie, SF in a mediaeval-after-the-bomb-atmosphere
if you understand what I mean?
The next morning we wake before 7
o'clock. It is clouded; later on we find out that it is foggy in the Kathmandu Valley
every morning till about half past 8, when the sun gathers
enough strength to lift the clouds. The fog is a result of both natural causes - the cold
of the mountains and the relative warmth in the Kathmandu valley - and of pollution. From
our window I can see the vegetable market at its height, mostly women, a lot of colors,
vegetables are laying on cloths on the ground, weigh out is done with scales and silver
weights, men are carrying heavy sacks full of grain hanging on both sides of a yoke on
their shoulders. No tourists disturb the scene, something that Im going to change in
a moment, because I really must take some pictures!
After breakfast we take a look on Durbar Tole, next to our square. Jacques was
very sorry we didnt had enough time to visit the erotic temples of Khajuraho in
India and when we couldnt reach a temple in Varanasi with erotic carvings because of
the high level of the Ganges he felt really disappointed.
So I looked for erotic temples in Nepal in our LP, and luckily I
found a lot of temples with erotic carvings and I made a point of taking Jacques to
(almost) each of them
. Hindu temples in Nepal sometimes have erotic
carvings on the roof stuts. Why they added this carvings is not sure, you can read all
kind of theories, but maybe they just liked it? That is too simple of course. Anyway,
Jacques for sure likes them, but is also a bit shocked when I start making pictures armed
with a tripod and a tele-lens. The carvings are quite explicit; little room for
interpretations is left. You can check for yourself on this pages (Pashupatinath temple) and on the Kathmandu pages!
The famous Golden Gate is also on Durbar Tole, entrance to the Palace and indeed very beautiful, with exquisite carved golden statues, as you can see on these pictures.